Whilst some people will simply want the cheapest artificial grass most people will want the best artificial grass for their garden, business or sports facility.
We get asked about this a lot and rather than completely avoid giving one product as the answer we will help narrow this down for you as the most important thing to remember is that most artificial grass companies will provide a range of synthetic grasses to choose from.
Whilst for some this will be to provide a wider range of choses to increase the potential budget spend available for other companies such as ours our range will more typically provide the best artificial grass for a particular use in a particular location.
What may be the best fake grass for a pet owner with three children will not be the best option for a bar looking to install artificial grass on top of their existing outdoor terrace.
Once we consult and establish how and who will be the main users of your fake grass then we can narrow down the best options from our range based on suitability. However, you may have the best type of artificial grass for you but unless it ends up being properly installed it won't matter which grass you selected. In fact if you have a poor installation you may as well have gone for the cheapest grass option.
As we've already established deciding to install a new synthetic grass turf in most areas is a considered purchase and therefore one where you don't want to be suffering buyers remorse and then spending more money on getting things put right.
Regardless of which or our artificial grasses you choose you will get a quality installation - remember we provide a 10 year guarantee so we need to! Why would you want to spend a few thousand pounds to have a lawn which develops puddles at the slightest bit of rain or emits dog urine smells when you want to lay down on it in the summer.
Our artificial grass is UV protected so great in hot weather as it will resist fading and this coating will also help keep the grass cooler than other cheaper alternatives which if you have a south facing garden may mean that your pets, children or even yourself will struggle to walk over it in your bare feet in hot summer days.
If you are looking for a new or replacement astroturf pitch, court or play area and are wanting the best astroturf in Peterborough then we should be in a position to deliver that for you. As we hopefully already established our expertise and specialism in artificial grass installations will mean that you will get a quality installation and by using some of the best 4G grass available in Europe you get the best combination for a fantastic 4G pitch.
Switching to 4G is the best astroturf in Peterborough - you can say goodbye to arranging for your groundsman to order more sand or rubber crumbs to the spread across your pitch. Which is often followed by your customers complaining about how slippery the surface is one it's been done. You can also say goodbye to clearing up your changing rooms of sand or little black rubber bits which get into every nook and cranny - 4G grass is the best option for sports pitches.
Need Help?
No - we can just supply artificial grass which is one of the best around and the other appropriate fittings and membrane. However, our specialty is the supply and fit of artificial grass. Our extensive experience and fully trained installation team mean that we are one of only a few companies that will provide a full 10-year guarantee on materials and fitting.
Our artificial grass will not be the cheapest as we import ours from Europe, not China. We have an excellent relationship with the manufacturer and have worked together over the years to enhance their products.
Sometimes it can be very tempting to buy materials yourself and then try to find a tradesperson to fit your product but what you think you have saved in the material by buying direct will often be offset by tradespeople adding to the installation costs to compensate for the margin they may have lost through not supplying the materials, which they would probably get at trade rates, which would end up being similar to the price you paid anyway. The other negative is that with buying your own materials hardly and the tradesperson will be willing to give a guarantee on the material they are not familiar with.
We've already touched up that the best artificial grass will be dependent on what it will be used for. The most extreme example to give would be choosing the best grass for your back garden which will have no dogs and few people walking on it compared to a 4G astroturf football pitch which will have many people running around , jumping, stopping turning and giving it a good work over. For the garden a lush 45mm pile height artificial grass would be ideal but if you put this on a football pitch you would have complaints from the players that the ball won't roll and it's heavy underfoot.
Whilst we pride ourselves on providing the best like for like artificial grass over our competitors but the best fake grass for you will be the one that meets your budget and importantly one which is suitable for its intended purpose.
For many businesses, we have installed artificial grass in selected outdoor areas including decking. These will typically have many people walking and standing on it for long periods so a short grass will be the best artificial grass in this instance as a longer grass will look messier once people have left the establishment and you are left with trodden down synthetic grass. Whilst this can be brushed back up this simply adds to the maintenance time and longer grass will also take longer to clean and hoover up from compared to a shorter turf. Simply arrange a call with our experts covering Peterborough letting them know what you want your artificial grass for and we can provide you with a shortlist of suitable options.
For a domestic installation for a quick rough guide around £80 per m2 will be for a lawn replacement with the most popular and best all-round artificial grass top layer.
Cost can vary based on the shape of the lawn area as narrow strips could lead to larger amounts of waste material. Most artificial grasses come in 4 or 5m rolls so sections that say 6 or 7 meters wide will need another section cut and laid adjacent to the initial roll. Sometimes this can work out well with very little wasted but for very irregular shapes there can be more waste. However, any waste material is yours - if you want us to take it away we are happy to do so and will be responsible for getting as much recycled but many customers decide to use the offcuts to provide additional pot plant bases or use sections to simply lay over small areas which may be prone to becoming muddy in certain times of the year such as a thin strip of artificial grass stepping stones to get to a composter hidden away at the back of the garden.
Yes, it will. In fact, this is happening more and more both in commercial as well as domestic environments. It is quite well known that wooden decking can get quite slippery when wet and whilst the rain can put most people off from going outside when the rain stops walking out onto a slippery surface - especially if you are holding drinks or food put people off utilising the decking space.
It is normally fairly straightforward to put a layer of artificial grass on top of the decking. Depending on personal preference this can simply be installed on top and the sides of the decking can remain exposed wood, or the artificial grass can continue to be pinned down the side too. Generally, no additional layers need adding below the grass and it fixes directly onto the wooden deck panels. This will provide a much safer non-slip surface but doing this is likely to lead to a shortening of your timber decking as moisture will be retained for longer on top and into the wood as the synthetic grass, layer will slow the evaporation process. Also unless you are going to lift up the grass to reapply timber decking treatments it will mean that the wood is being exposed to worse conditions with less protection.
We are also seeing artificial grass is laid on top of concrete areas or other hard surfaces to provide either a non-slip surface or an improved aesthetic or both.
This will depend on the artificial grass you have chosen.
Our grasses have been treated with a UV protective coat so that they will not fade. This is a good example of the difference between cheap artificial grass and quality artificial grass comes into play. You cannot see the UV coating so unless you ask about whether or not your grass has such a coating it is unlikely that an installer whose grass does not have this protectino will highlight this.
Generally, the edge will already be in place, especially in a garden installation. Often a synthetic lawn will replace the existing lawn which may already have a wall along one side and a path or patio along another. The most popular edging we install will be where the current lawn runs up to a flower bed. The existing edge may be a very short fence or a small trench has been dug to edge off the lawn to provide a secure fit and ensure no edge is exposed which could be used to pull up the grass we normally will run sleepers in place of where the fence or trench was. Depending on the dimensions available to you in your garden you may want a thick sleeper for an aesthetic reason or you may want a much thinner one so to maintain as much flower bed space as possible. These are aspects we can discuss with you to find the solution which you're most happy with.
This will depend on your specific fitting. For garden installations wooden sleepers are very popular as an edge but sometimes along one edge there will be an existing wall and at another end it can be fitted so that it butts right updo an existing patio or paved pathway.
The aesthetic finish is a very personal choice so we tend to let you let us know what you would like and if we know it is practical to do we will happliy provide you with your choice of edge finish.
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